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Beth Grabowski in the print studio with students

The Department of Art & Art History is a dynamic center for research, teaching, and learning. Our mission statement—make/frame/reveal—encapsulates our history and practice sides: we celebrate and embrace experiential strategies, contextual understanding, diverse viewpoints, new insights, and innovative approaches. As an interdisciplinary combination of makers and interpreters, investigators of the present and the past, we are poised to address some of the most pressing social and cultural issues of our time—technology, globalization, politics, ecology, memory, identity, economics, ideology—in all their complexity. Art is a laboratory for experimentation, examination, analysis, and engagement. Our breadth of expertise, methodology, and experience makes us a place for critical thinking, for challenging students to be curious, inventive, thoughtful, and courageous not only to reach new heights, but remake the very standards of success. With each of the six degrees we offer, we encourage students to see things anew, to shift perspectives, dig deeper, and imagine the previously unimaginable—to make, frame, and reveal.

New Job Postings: Assistant Professor of Latin American and/or Pre-Columbian Art History and Studio Assistant Professor working in New Genres