Studio Undergraduate Prizes, Awards, Scholarships
Every year, the Studio Art Program offers scholarships and awards outlined below. Studio Art Majors and Minors wishing to apply will submit work samples during the Department’s annual call for entries.
Dr. Lucia Anderson and her husband established this award to show appreciation to the Art Department for the classes offered by the Department of Art and Art History. The award money is to be used by a Studio Art undergraduate student to learn more about art by traveling or securing art supplies that the student could not otherwise afford. The Anderson is awarded at a minimum of $400.
2020: Alexandria Anderson
2019: Peri Law
2018: Samprati Prasad, Annie Simpson
2017: Xioyin Chen, Adrian Garcia, Ayla Gizlice, Olivia Huntley, Annie Simpson, Emily Yue
2016: Brenda Miller-Holmes
2015: Marshall Gifford, Becca Kenney
2014: Rachel Johnson
2013: Joseph Amodei
2012: Greg Halloran, Sheridan Howie
2011: Anna Buckner
2010: Ariel Wyman, Kal Fadem
2008: Katherine Lloyd, Rosemary Winn
2006: Kaitlin Rae Almirall
2005: Michael Jerch
2004: Lindsey Britt
2003: Molly Campbell
2002: Natalie Eason
2001: Patrick Currin
1999: Nathan Lankford
1998: Angela N. Britt
1996: Ann Gregory-Bepler, Mace Drouillard
Named for UNC-CH graduate and world-renowned fashion designer Alexander Julian, The Julian Prize is awarded to a student whose work exhibits a “high standard of design.” In selecting the winner of this prize, the faculty interprets the term “design” liberally as it relates to the appropriate consideration and integration of formal concerns and artisanship with the content of the student’s work. The recipient of this award is considered to be one of the Department’s best students and is honored at the Chancellor’s Awards ceremony in the spring.
2020: Christina Vu
2019: Carolina Allen
2018: Meredith Emery
2017: Isys Hennigar
2016: Tracie Hayes
2015: Tracie Hayes
2014: Diego Camposeco
2013: Rachel Johnson
2012: Gray Swartzel
2011: Hannah Shaban
2010: Ariel Rudolph
2008: Charlotte Townes
2006: Jody Elizabeth Cedzidlo
2005: Jonathan Westleigh Harmon
2004: Estie Saunders, Brenna Katharine Murphy
2003: Claire Elisabeth Anne Hartman
2002: Bennett Taylor Dansby
2001: Emerson Christopher Carlton Holt
2000: Huong Ngoc Ngo
1999: Laura Lee Snoderly
1998: Paul Bardinas
This fund is named in honor of former UNC studio art painting professor George Kachergis and his wife, Joyce Kachergis. George Kachergis joined the art faculty in 1949 and taught in the Art Department until his death in 1974. Mr. Kachergis was a graduate of the Art Institute of Chicago and exhibited his work extensively. His paintings were included in Annual exhibitions at the Pennsylvania Academy, the Art Institute of Chicago, The Annual Exhibition of Contemporary Painting at The Whitney Museum of American Art as well as the American Watercolors, Drawings and Prints Exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. This fund began as an initiative led by Professor Marvin Saltzman, who established an annual faculty and student art auction to raise money for scholarships. The students and faculty subsequently named the fund in honor of Professor Kachergis, and it has grown through generous donations, rather than through art auctions. Award recipients are selected by a student-designated panel. Students applying for this award should not be receiving University loans or financial aid. Up to three awards are made, and although amounts vary, none is less than $400.
2020: Luke Collins, Sarah Frisbie
2019: Adrianne Huang, Barron Northrup, Anabelle Quarles, Mingxuan Shen
2018: Henderson Beck, Ayla Gizlice, James Pallant, Annie Simpson, Jubal Strube, Xiaowei Wu
2017: Isys Hennigar, Julia Klein, Samprati Prasad, Jess Woods, Emily Yue
2016: Tracie Hayes, Isys Hennigar, Brenda Miller-Holmes, Daphne Rodgers
2015: Emma Biggerstaff, Claire Drysdale, Tracie Hayes, Lana Jordan, Caroline Orr, Sarah Spivey, Carly Wooten, Emily Yue
2014: Olivia Branscum, Diego Camposeco, Molly Dedmond, Charlie Wilcher
2013: John Neville, Amy Parlier, Diego Camposeco, Brittany Lademann, Anthony Hamilton, Sarah Cioffoletti
2012: Hannah Shaban, Jeremy Bass, Sarah Floyd, Anthony Hamilton, Kaitlin Knapp, Amy Parlier, Anna Rodgers, Jon Rollins
2011: Alaina Braswell, Anwuli Chukwurah, Greg Halloran, Rebecca Ryan, Hannah Shaban, Ben Wainmann
2010: Ariel Rudolph Molly Brewer, Matthew Jones, Natalia Davila, Kevin Ziechmann, Peter Pendergrass, Amanda Newton
2008: Allyson Packer, Hannah Simmons, Jesse White, Kelsey Zyvolosk
2006: Jody Cedzidlo, Michael Jerch
2005: Courtney Kotsionis, Yulianna Aparicio Ponce de León, Estie E. Saunders
2004: Alexis Adams, Michelle Bercovici, Kristin Robinson
2003: Alexis Adams, Meredith Lipscomb, Elizabeth Reynolds
2002: Jonathan Baxter, Leigh Suggs, Angela Salamanca, Ed Spooner, Shane McCormick
2001: Kat Parker, Lauren Adams, Jessica Lindsay
1999: Emily Clarke-Pearson, Emily Krueger, Stacey Kirby
1998: Paul Bardinas, Angela N. Britt, Timothy J. Sigmon
1996: Jennifer Ramsey, Babatola Oguntoyinbo, Jason Frank
The Penland School of Crafts is located in the mountains of Western Carolina and offers intensive two-week workshops in a variety of media throughout the summer. The winner of this scholarship receives funding to attend the workshop of her/his choice. Housing and meals are included. This award was created by the Penland School to support artists who otherwise could not afford to attend a workshop. Students receiving financial aid may apply. Students not receiving financial aid may apply by including a statement explaining why they could not afford to attend a workshop without this assistance. In their deliberations, the faculty will consider the seriousness students have demonstrated in their course work.
2019: Peri Law, Barron Northrup
2018: Cheyenne Lowery, Ayla Gizlice
2017: Meredith Emery, Samprati Prasad
2016: Brenda Miller-Holmes, Emily Yue
2015: Emma Biggerstaff, Haejin Song
2014: John Neville, Tuong Nguyen
2013: Gray Swartzel, Diego Camposeco
2012: Joseph Amodei, Durga Sivamani Olson
2011: Anwuli Chukwurah, Rebecca Ryan
2008: Anna Leah Kaplan
2010: Katie Martin
2006: Jennifer Elaine Wermig
2005: Ellie Snow
2004: Lindsey Britt
2003: Not given
2002: Jonathan Baxter
2001: Lauren Adams
Jonathan E. Sharpe, an alumnus of UNC-CH, established this award. Only students currently receiving financial aid through the Office of Scholarship and Student Aid are eligible for this award, as it is intended to allow a studio art major to undertake work that would not be financially possible using only the student aid allowance for supplies. According to University policy, however, the funding may be automatically applied to payment of outstanding bills, loans, or to replace direct aid grants. Award recipients wishing to use the Sharpe in addition to other financial aid will need to submit a budget in order to claim all funding. The Sharpe is awarded at a minimum of $500.
2020: Olivia Gillingham, Isabella Salazar
2019: Tristan Brown, Carolyn Bucknall, Eleanor Burcham, Cynthia Carcamo, Madeline Chandler, Luke “Blue Boy” Collins, Livian Kennedy, Ella Kiley, Nitara Kittles, Pax Rudenko, Elizabeth Trefney
2018: Caroline Allen, Kenly Cox, Meredith Emery, James Pallant, Elizabeth Treffney, Jubal Strube, Jess Woods, Xiowei Wu, Alexandra Zuckerman
2017: Caroline Coppola, Meredith Emery, Cameron Kester, Elly Sprinkle
2016: Nim Breitenfeld, Kenly Cox, Isys Hennigar, Lana Jordan, Caroline Coppola
2015: Andrew Allen, Chloe Hamilton, Cassidy McLean, Tuong Nguyen, Megan Perritt, Kenneth Proseus, Haejin Song, Carley Wooten, David Wright
2014: Andrew Allen, Shelby Bass, Olivia Brascum, Diego Camposeco, Ash Conrad, Cailey Follet, Rachel Johnson, John Neville, Kenneth Prosceus, Charlie Wilcher, Carly Wooten
2013: Emma Badia, Olivia Branscum, Ash Conrad, Diego Camposeco, Sarah Cioffoletti, Anthony Hamilton, Kim Karr, Alice Powell
2012: Joseph Amodei, Jeremy Bass, Sarah Cioffoletti, Sarah Floyd, Anthony Hamilton, Kaitlin Knapp, Amy Parlier, Anna Rodgers, Jon Rollins
2011: Jeremy Bass, Katherine Bobeck, Rose Egle, Jennie Hoang, Adrian Schlesinger, Zachary Vestal
2010: Rene Adam, Allison Bailey, Jennie Hoang, Cody Hughes, Morgan Muhs, Chloe Tham
2008: Courtney Buley, Rebeka Burns, Anna Leah Kaplan, Kristen Lineberger, Kathleen Loeven, Paola Perez
2006: Jennifer L. Parker, Jennifer Elaine Werming, Jessica Rae Theriault
2005: Jessica Largent, Kristin Pasley, Ellie Snow
2004: Lindsey Britt, William Harmon, Ginny Lam
2003: Jennifer Acree, Lindsey Britt, Molly Campbell, Claire-Elisabeth Hartman, Deborah Koling, Lindsay Pichaske, Brad Rolen
2002: Lauren Adams, Lindsey Britt, Claire-Elisabeth Hartman, Camellia Dawn, Morton, Brad Rolen, Jennifer Acree, Rebecca Crouch, Lily Bertram, Catalina Garreton, Maura Garcia, Meredith Neville
2001: Kwong Li, Jennifer Sabo, Alana Gettman, Camellia Morton, Christopher Holt, Autumn-Grace Dougherty, Kieshawn Kearney, Christopher Wretman, John Baxter
1999: Huong Ngo, Theresa McKeand, Daniel Shelverton
1998: Eric C. Bishop, Robert L. Chapell, Jack H. Edinger, Keilayn Skutvik
1996: Sarah Beddingfield, Jermain Moody, Teresa Maria Finch, Anthony Cervino
2019: Caroline Allen, Madeline Chandler, Drew De’lvyion, Nitara Kittles, Peri Law, Pax Rudenko
2018: Carolina Allen, Henderson Beck, Young Ji Byun, Samprati Prasad, Jess Woods, Alexandra Zuckerman
2017: Kenly Cox, Aaron Darden, Meredith Emery, Ayla Gizlice, Samprati Prasad, Emily Yue
2016: Tracie Hayes, Isys Hennigar, Caroline Coppola
2015: Andrew Allen, Emma Biggerstaff, Becca Kenney
2014: Andrew Allen, Shelby Bass, Olivia Branscum, Diego Camposeco, Rachel Johnson, Anne Symons
2013: Rachel Johnson, Anthony Hamilton, Olivia Branscum, Jack Twiddy, Alice Powell, John Neville
2012: Anthony Hamilton, Gray Swartzel, Amy Parlier
Students of the Department of Art and Art History may be eligible for a number of funding opportunities to cover or subsidize travel, research, and the cost of project materials. Award information and downloadable applications are available below.
The John and June Allcott Undergraduate Travel Fellowship enables two students–one in art history and one in studio art–to travel in pursuit of an independent, career-related project within the United States or Abroad* during the summer.
* Effective February 21, 2023, undergraduate international travel outside a study abroad program has resumed through a new, centralized process administered by the College of Arts and Sciences (for all undergraduate students regardless of school or college).
Undergraduate students may initiate a request for approval of their independent education abroad activities through the HeelsAbroad portal administered by the Study Abroad Office: A complete request for approval must be submitted no later than 30 days prior to the student’s departure date.
All travel will be reviewed for academic merit and risk and must be approved by the provost before any funding may be released or travel proceeds. Travel will only be approved to countries with a U.S. Department of State Level 1 or 2 Travel Advisory. Level 3 countries will generally not be approved except under exceptional circumstances.
Contact Jason Kinnear, Associate Dean for Study Abroad and Exchanges ( if you have questions.
Currently enrolled UNC-Chapel Hill Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors* are eligible to apply, but preference may be given to majors in the Department of Art and Art History and to juniors. All applicants must have taken courses in the Department of Art and Art History. Students are encouraged to work with a faculty advisor in the Department in preparing their application.
*Seniors are eligible if they are returning for the fall semester.
Amount of the Awards:
Terms of Award:
Applicants must be available for interviews at UNC-Chapel Hill on Monday, April 15th, 2024.
Fellows will be expected to:
- Be enrolled at UNC-Chapel Hill for the fall 2024 semester.
- Use the award during the summer of 2024 as described in their project proposal.
- Present a written and oral report in the spring semester (2025) after their return.
Basis for Selection:
The Department of Art and Art History coordinates a Selection Committee that will select finalists for interviews. The best candidates are those who indicate their interest in an independent study project that is tied to their personal and career aspirations. Motivation for travel/study as a learning experience and excitement about the project are also significant factors. Strong consideration will be given to candidates whose university records demonstrate academic rigor. Projects should be well-considered and researched for feasibility and cost factors. The Selection Committee will also take into consideration a student’s financial needs to pursue the project.
Application Process:
Updated application forms will be are available in Spring 2024 on the Undergraduate Policies, Procedures, and Resources section of the Department of Art and Art History website.
Completed applications and all accompanying documents must be submitted to the Department of Art and Art History Office, Hanes Art Center 101, no later than 4:00 PM, Monday, April 8th, 2024.
Depending on the number of applications, semi-finalists will be announced and contacted to schedule an interview with the Selection Committee. Interviews will take place on Monday, April 15th, 2024.
The Friedman/Saltzman Fund, established by Professor Emeritus Marvin Saltzman and his wife, Jacquelyn Friedman, is dedicated to supporting painting students. It offers financial assistance to help students overcome economic challenges that might otherwise limit their ability to reach their full potential.
The fund is open to any registered undergraduate with need, regardless of major. Applicants must satisfy any one of the following criteria:
- Be enrolled in a painting course at UNC-Chapel Hill during the current semester.
- Be a Studio Art major pursuing painting projects through an Independent Study (ARTS 596) or Senior Honors Thesis (691H or 692H).
To confirm eligibility, students must obtain a signature on the application form from their current painting instructor or supervising faculty member.
Application Details:
- Eligible students may apply for up to $200 per academic year, with funding awarded only through reimbursement for actual costs.
- Funds must be used exclusively for painting-related expenses, such as class supplies, exhibition costs, or general art materials. They cannot be used for books or travel.
- Award amounts depend on the funds available. Typical awards are around $100.
Questions? Contact your painting instructor or supervising faculty member.
Download ApplicationThis fund supports summer undergraduate research in studio art and was established by a generous donation of R. M. Hanes in the name of Professor Emeritus James B. Gadson. Disbursed as part of the SURF program in the Office for Undergraduate Research, the fund provides for living and travel expenses associated with an approved project, stipends for graduate student mentors, and art supplies.
This fund supports both Studio Art and Art History undergraduate student research in the Department of Art and Art History. Research is broadly defined, and students may apply for funds to subsidize individual research or special group research projects that fall outside routine class work. This can include things like purchase of materials, travel to conferences or research sites, support for group or individual exhibitions, including rentals of exhibition spaces. Proposals may be submitted by individual Studio Art or Art History majors or official undergraduate student groups in the Department of Art and Art History. In general, to be considered for funding, projects are typically extracurricular, or beyond what might be normally expected for a class assignment. Projects might be exceptional in their scale and should have potential for lasting impact. Applicants must provide some explanation of their need. Petitions for funding are reviewed by the Undergraduate committees in Studio Art and Art History. Studio Art and Art History majors apply directly to the Director of Undergraduate Studies in their area. In addition, faculty can apply for Pearman funds to enable special projects associated with a class such as field trips or subvention for speakers if such projects relate directly to student-generated research. This relationship must be clearly articulated in the application. Applications are ongoing, and awards typically range from $100-$500, depending on available funds and demand. The fund was established by a generous donation of Herbert Brown Mayo in memory of his aunt, Beatrice B. Pearman.
Download ApplicationPAST WINNERS
Art history major Katherine Lilley (2002-03) used the funds she was awarded to travel to Princeton University, where she studied depictions of Mary Magdalene from the tenth through the thirteenth centuries in Western Europe. At Princeton, Katie was able to access the Index of Christian Art, a photographic archive of Christian art from ca. 200 C.E. to 1450 C.E.
Valerie Bruchon (2002-03), a studio art major, traveled with a group of Professor Jeff Whetstone’s photography students to Kentucky. There, with the help of funding provided by a Rockefeller PACT grant, the students facilitated photography programs in local schools. When the group returned to UNC, Valerie used the Pearman funding she received to organize, edit, and print the 700+ images made by the students during the trip. The photographs were then exhibited in May, 2003, in Harlan, Kentucky.
Studio art major Deborah Dorland Bradley (2003-04) used the funding to develop and produce her Honors Thesis Project, “The Passion of the Mother,’ which through installation and performance explored the role of women in the world’s largest monotheisms: Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.
The scholarships provide assistance to UNC at Chapel Hill undergraduate students; Art Majors (B.A., B.F.A or B.F.A w/ ARTH emphasis), minors or non-majors who would like to pursue global opportunities in the fields of Painting or Sculpture. The Lowder Diversity Scholarship prioritizes opportunities for economically disadvantaged students, African-American/Black, Hispanic/Latinx, Asian/Asian-American, multiracial/ethnic or Indigenous/Native-American students, students with disabilities, first generation college undergraduate students, LGBTQ+ and Veterans, who would like to study abroad in programs that offer Painting or Sculpture courses. Priority is given to students pursuing participation in a UNC Faculty-Led Study Abroad summer program in the Department of Art + Art History, or to departmental students who take one or more classes in the above courses of study.
Criteria: B.A., B.F.A or B.F.A w/ ARTH emphasis, Art Minors, or non-majors. No additional GPA requirement (Study Abroad programs already have GPA reqs). May only receive one award during their time at UNC. Apply directly through UNC Study Abroad application portal.
Award Amount: Up to $6,000 for a UNC Faculty-Led program or Up to $3,000 for a UNC affiliated institution.