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(The longer “Lab Rules and Procedures” still applies; this just gives you a manageable checklist when using and/or leaving the darkrooms.)


  1. Do what your instructor tells you (both to do and NOT to do) unless it conflicts with this guide. Don’t attempt things you haven’t been shown. Don’t improvise when you don’t know what you’re doing; ask for help instead!
  2. Clean up after yourself! Don’t take things from (Details in the next section).
  3. Communicate & be considerate of others (and their work); this is a shared


  1. Purchase your own pair of scissors, and a Put your name on everything you bring into the darkroom (paper boxes, notebooks, bags, reusable/personal nitrile gloves). Everyone’s materials look the same!
  2. No food or drinks in the darkroom! No uncovered drinks
  3. Never take plastic film reels apart! They can be easily ruined by putting them together the “wrong” way. (You may change sizes w/o taking them apart!)
  4. Heed instructions/updates on the whiteboard! We will work on
  5. No tape on easels or enlargers! We will fix the problem/broken
  6. Don’t bring dusty, dirty, glittery material into the darkroom. Dust, fur, glitter, sand, spices, powders of any sort, broken glass, & dirt, get into and onto every surface, piece of equipment and, eventually your prints and negatives. It is inconsiderate to other users of the darkroom to contaminate the facility and you will be asked to wipe down, vacuum, and mop up your mess. If you are unsure of your experimental photo project, ask Mike for help.
  7. Empty trash from the small trash bins when they are full. Replace the Never throw wet stuff (paper, film, paper towels) into an unlined trash bin.
  8. Return borrowed items to the beige cabinet! (Don’t leave out film cleaner, touch up dyes, taking irons, Q-­‐‑tips, etc…) Also return scissors & openers to drawer!
  9. Beginning photo students need specific instruction from your instructor (or lab manager) before using the advanced/back darkroom.
  10. Ask questions if you have trouble using equipment, or something seems “not right”, “broken”, not functioning well! Let us fix anything weird, before it gets
  11. Put all recovered small parts in the whiteboard tray! They are important!
  12. Let your photo staff (Gesche, GA, or teacher) know if something is broken, missing, or needed; we will work on it in a timely manner, but we usually cannot drop everything else we are doing just at that moment. You may communicate via the whiteboard and know that we are working on solutions. We mix chemistry as often and as best we can, but heavy usage periods may consume all prepared chemistry. Plan ahead, avoid the rush, and don’t wait until the night before a due date to start your project! We’re not planning to come in on weekends.
  13. Place only completely & thoroughly washed prints on the appropriately labeled drying racks! ABSOLUTELY NO test strips on drying racks.
  14. Equipment checkout is available (during cage hours) from the first floor “Cage” next to the digital lab/classroom (113C). Check with Joy Drury Cox for Cage checkout policies & hours.
  15. Memorize (or write down/ key into your phone) the door combination. It is an easy pattern. Don’t write it on the wall or on the door!
  16. Don’t use your phone in the
  17. Be especially considerate of others with music in the darkrooms. Headphones are strongly discouraged, as they will keep you from being able to hear your colleagues’ communication (essential when working in low light). Boom-­‐‑box/IPod dock music must be ok with everyone working in the shared space and remain at a moderate level. Not everyone works well with music so please respect everyone’s access to the facilities.
  18. Don’t prop the door open (except during class w/ instructor nearby)! This is especially important over evenings and Even during class time, cameras, computers, and phones in the cubbies have disappeared!
  19. Don’t confront unauthorized persons in/around the darkrooms but instead report suspicious persons to Campus Police: 919-962-8100 or 911.


  1. Clean (or cover useable) chemistry trays in the gang darkroom Mark on the small whiteboards the type and times mixed if you cover chemicals. But we encourage you to dump the chemicals and leave a clean darkroom behind.
  2. NO fixer down the drain! Pour spent film fixer into the film room barrels and paper fixer into the gang and advanced darkroom barrels (under each Finally, it will go into the big white poly drum in the hall). Cap fixer barrels when not in use!
  3. Wipe up spills of any kind; use cloth towels or sponges (or a mop for floor).
  4. Return cleaned viewing trays to the Rinse & wipe; they are dirty!
  5. Make sure your enlarger station is complete and ready for the next user (easel, glass, foam, grain focuser, and complete filter set should be present).
  6. Make sure any film developing tanks, reels, & containers have had tape removed, have been rinsed, and set on drying racks/towels. Wring out rinsed towels and sponges, and leave nothing in the sink.
  7. Turn off the safelight if you are the last darkroom user!
  8. Turn off any running water before leaving that room! (darkroom or film room).
  9. Never leave film drying (in cabinets) for more than 1
  10. Check the print drying racks for your work and remove prints within 24 hours! Otherwise they will be moved in the wooden box next to the drying racks.
  11. Don’t leave any paper or film scraps on counters, light-­‐‑tables, or paper
  12. Never leave any personal items in the darkrooms as you leave (place them in your lockers and lock them up).
  13. Communicate any problems or issues via the whiteboard or to Mark Soderstrom at