Vestiges of Chaos: Reflections on War
Reuben Mabry
October 14-December 30, 2019
Third Friday Opening Reception: October 18, 6-9 pm
Artist Talk: October 26, 1:30 pm
Artist’s Statement:
In Vestiges of Chaos: Reflections on War, I created works on paper resulting from an amalgamation of research, recollection, and self-reflection rooted in my experiences as a US Army attack helicopter pilot while deployed to Afghanistan. By employing painting, drawing, and mark-making techniques from Asian and Western art historical and contemporary movements of abstraction and representation, these pieces bridge verbal and written gaps created by traumatic experiences of war. These pieces are also vestiges reconstructed from experiences in combat that reclaim the events of the past and bring onus into the present.
Grand Gallery, Golden Belt Campus
Mill #1 Building
800 Taylor St., Durham, NC 27701